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Table 1:

Numerical parameters for the compaction calibration setup.

Physical quantity
Symbol Value Unit
Glass bead      
$\rm {Bulk~density}^{(*)}$ $\rho_0$ 2540 $\rm kg~m^{-3}$
$\rm {Bulk~modulus}^{(*)}$ K0 $\rm 5 \times 10^9$ Pa
$\rm {Murnaghan~exponent}^{(*)}$ n 4 -
Radius r $0.55 \times 10^{-3}$ $\rm m$
Impact velocity v0 0.65 $\rm m~s^{-1}$
Dust sample      
Initial density $\rho_i$ 300 $\rm kg~m^{-3}$
Bulk density $\rho_{\rm s}$ 2000 $\rm kg~m^{-3}$
Reference density $\rho_0'$ 300 $\rm kg~m^{-3}$
Initial filling factor $\phi_i$ 0.15 -
Bulk modulus K0 $\rm 3 \times 10^5$ Pa
ODC mean pressure $p_{\rm m}$ 1300 Pa
ODC max. filling factor $\phi_2$ 0.58 -
ODC min. filling factor $\phi_1$ 0.12 -
ODC slope $\Delta $ 0.58 -

Notes. ODC stands for omni-directional compression relation (Eq. (21)). Quantities marked by (*) represent the parameters for sandstone in Melosh (1989) which we adopt for glass here.

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