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Table 4:

List of measured wavelengths.
$\lambda_{\rm meas}$(Å) $\lambda_{\rm lit}$(Å) ID
185.214 185.213 Fe VIII (bl oc Ni XVI 185.23)
186.607 186.601 Fe VIII (bl oc Ca XIV 186.61)
187.243 187.237 Fe VIII
191.585 191.570 Mn IX
192.000 192.004 ? Fe VIII (bl oc Fe XI Fe XXIV)
192.087 - u (VIII-IX)
193.972 193.967 Fe VIII
194.658 194.662 Fe VIII
195.969 ? 195.972 Fe VIII (bl)
196.649 196.650 Fe VIII (bl oc Fe XII)
197.364 197.362 Fe VIII (bl)
204.704 - Fe VIII (bl oc Fe XVII)
205.04 205.040 Cr VIII
205.708 205.720 Cr VIII
206.761 - Fe VII
207.124 - Fe VIII
207.203 - u (VI?)
207.725 - u (VI?)

217.691 Fe VIII
218.57 218.564 Fe VIII
222.19 - Fe VIII
224.28 224.305 Fe VIII
225.40 - Fe VIII
227.29 - Fe VIII
231.03 231.097 Fe VIII
231.81 231.884 Fe VIII

246.004 Si VI (bl)
249.135 249.124 Si VI (bl oc Ni XVII)
253.520 - ? Fe VII
253.956 - Fe VIII (bl oc S X)
254.059 - Fe VII
255.110 - Fe VIII (bl oc S X, Fe XXIV)
255.346 - Fe VIII
255.684 - Fe VIII
268.996 268.991 Mg VI
270.401 270.391 Mg VI
272.661 272.639 Si VII (bl)
275.370 275.353 Si VII
275.686 275.667 Si VII (bl)
276.145 276.153 Mg VII
280.732 280.737 Mg VII

Note: $\lambda_{\rm meas}$(Å) are the measured wavelengths for Fe VIII lines and a selection of lines from ions formed at similar temperatures. Results are from the Hinode EIS spectrum of the ``foreground-subtracted'' Sunspot loop leg and from the laboratory spectrum. Uncertainties are estimated to be about 0.01 Å. In the second column wavelengths from the literature ( $\lambda_{\rm lit}$) are listed. A few of the main lines which are potentially blending (bl) are also noted. Some of the unidentified (u) TR lines are listed, together with the Fe ionization stage which more closely resembles their morphology. oc: blended in other plasma conditions.

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