Issue |
Volume 681, January 2024
Article Number | A119 | |
Number of page(s) | 22 | |
Section | Astrophysical processes | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 26 January 2024 |
Leptohadronic multi-messenger modeling of 324 gamma-ray blazars★
European Southern Observatory,
Karl-Schwarzschild-Straße 2,
Garching bei München, Germany
Astronomical Institute, Fakultät für Physik und Astronomie, Ruhr-Universität Bochum,
Bochum, Germany
Inter-University Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics (IUCAA),
SPPU Campus,
Pune, India
Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY,
Zeuthen, Germany
Context. The origin of the diffuse astrophysical neutrino flux observed by the IceCube experiment is still under debate. Multiple associations have been reported between high-energy neutrino events and individual bla/ars, such as the source TXS 0506+056, which are active galaxies with relativistic jets pointing toward Earth. From a theoretical perspective, the properties of these sources as neutrino emitters are not yet well understood.
Aims. By systematically modeling the effect of cosmic-ray protons on the multiwavelength data from the largest sample of bright gamma-ray bla/ars to date, we expect to learn about the multi-messenger nature of the active galaxy population as a whole, as well as the relationship between neutrino production and the multiwavelength spectrum of these sources.
Methods. We predict the emitted multiwavelength and neutrino spectrum using a self-consistent numerical radiation model applied individually to each source in the sample. We then study the properties of the full population and identify empirical relations. We focus on public multiwavelength data from the radio to the gamma-ray bands from a sample of 324 bla/ars detected by the Fermi Large Area Telescope (LAT), most of which are flat-spectrum radio quasars (FSRQs). This amounts to 34% of all FSRQs in the latest Fermi catalog.
Results. We demonstrate that the optical and gigaelectronvolt gamma-ray broadband features are generally well described by electron emission, which helps for the location of the emission region relative to the central black hole to be constrained. For 33% of the bla/ars in our sample, a description of the observed X-ray spectrum benefits from an additional component from proton interactions, in agreement with recent studies of individual IceCube candidate bla/ars. We show that, on average, bla/ars that are brighter in gigaelectronvolt gamma rays have a higher neutrino production efficiency but a lower best-fit baryonic loading. The predicted neutrino luminosity shows a positive correlation both with the observed flux of gigaelectronvolt gamma rays and with the predicted flux of megaelectronvolt gamma rays. We also estimate the diffuse neutrino flux from gamma-ray bla/ars by extrapolating the result to the Fermi population, and we show that it may be at the level of ~20% of the diffuse neutrino flux observed by IceCube, in agreement with current limits from stacking analyses. We discuss the implications of our results for future neutrino searches and suggest promising sources for potential detections.
Key words: galaxies: active / quasars: general / gamma rays: galaxies / blazars / jets / neutrinos / methods: numerical / radiation mechanisms: non-thermal
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