Free Access
Volume 574, February 2015
Article Number A102
Number of page(s) 33
Section Extragalactic astronomy
Published online 02 February 2015

Online material

Table 1

Atomic and molecular features used to classify C, M- and S-type stars.

Table 10

74 candidate AGB sources in the inner region (3 kpc) for which spectra with S/N ≥ 10 were obtained.

Table 11

73 candidate AGB sources in the outer region (≥ 5 kpc) for which spectra have been obtained.

Table 12

43 candidate AGB sources in the inner (top) and outer (bottom) regions for which we are able to offer a tentative classification despite the low S/N of the spectra obtained.

Table 13

Spectral source counterpart IDs.

© ESO, 2015

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