Free Access
Volume 558, October 2013
Article Number A78
Number of page(s) 21
Section Interstellar and circumstellar matter
Published online 07 October 2013

Online material

Appendix A: Details of the PNe sample used

Table A.1 contains the detailed information about all the objects considered in the present study. They contain all objects from the local sample (D ≲ 2 kpc) selected by Frew (2008) and for which velocity information from Doppler split line profiles is available. Strong bipolar objects, and also those with binaries or hydrogen-deficient cores are omitted. Those are listed in Tables A.2 (hydrogen-deficient nuclei) and A.3 (nuclei in close binaries). The numbering of objects is that of Frew (2008). In a few cases, we used V[O ii] instead of V[N ii] (cf. Col. 11).

Altogether we have 13 objects with a hydrogen-deficient central star listed in Table A.2, i.e. only 17% of the total local sample with measured spectroscopic expansion velocities used by us (78 PNe). The fraction of known objects with a binary central star is even smaller, only 8% (Table A.3).

Table A.1

List of all objects used in the present study with their relevant properties.

Table A.2

Same as in Table A.1 but for objects with hydrogen-deficient nuclei only.

Table A.3

Same as in Table A.1 but for objects which are known to harbour a close binary.

© ESO, 2013

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