Volume 518, July-August 2010
Herschel: the first science highlights
Article Number L18
Number of page(s) 5
Section Letters
Published online 16 July 2010

Online Material

\end{figure} Figure 4:

Left - Weak lensing mass maps (contours, spaced at 1$\sigma $ mass reconstruction error; Ok10; Okabe & Umetsu 2008) in order of decreasing cluster virial mass - top left-to-right: A 1835, A 1763, A 1689, A 2219; bottom: A 2390, A 1914, A 1758, Z 7160. Spectroscopically confirmed Herschel-detected members (selected as described in Sect. 4) are marked as filled red circles that scale logarithmically with $L_{\rm TIR}/L_K$. North is up and East is left, and the axis tick-marks are spaced at 1 $\mathrel {\rm arcmin}$ intervals. Right - Number density of galaxies relative to the mean number density of each population as a function of total projected cluster mass density. Positive correlation of the Herschel-detected cluster members with the mass distribution in/surrounding the clusters is detected at ${\sim }$5$\sigma $. The absence of red triangular data points at ${\Sigma}_{\rm mass} > 1000~{\mathrel{M_{\odot}}}~{\mathrel{\rm kpc}}^{-2}$ is because we do not find any non-BCG IR luminous cluster members at such high densities. The dip in the signal for cluster members at ${\sim}1250~{\mathrel{M_{\odot}}}~{\rm kpc}^{-2}$ is due to the incompleteness of our spectroscopic catalog in high density environments due to MMT/Hectospec fiber collisions.

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