Free Access
Volume 503, Number 3, September I 2009
Page(s) L25 - L28
Section Letters
Published online 11 August 2009

Online Material

Appendix A: Online materials

\end{figure} Figure A.1:

Comparisons between EIS and TRACE observations. a) Constructed TRACE 195 Å time-distance image along the EIS slit. b) Same as a) but with the background subtraction, where the background is taken as the average over time at each position along the cut. c) The EIS Fe  XII intensity time series. d) Same as c) but with the background subtraction.

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\end{figure} Figure A.2:

Wavelet analysis for oscillation 3 averaged over y = 60''-65''. The annotations are same as in Fig. 3.

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\end{figure} Figure A.3:

Wavelet analysis for oscillation 1 at y = 150'', which is the same as Fig. 3 but with a subtraction of the background taken as a 30 min average smoothing.

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Table A.1:   Measurements of the oscillations in fanlike loops found in the EIS sit-and-stare data in the Fe  XII (195 Å) linea.

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