Fig. 6.
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Evolution of the best-fit parameters for the 1.4 GHz radio radio luminosity function with redshift. Shown are the evolution parameter (αL) of the pure luminosity evolution (PLE) for SFGs (Panel A); turnover position (L⋆) of the PLE for SFGs, calculated by Eq. (9) (Panel B); evolution parameter (αD) of the pure density evolution (PDE) for radio-excess AGN (Panel C); turnover normalization (Φ⋆) of the PDE for radio-excess AGN, calculated by Eq. (10) (Panel D); and turnover luminosity (LD) above which the number density of radio-AGNs surpasses that of SFGs (LD) (Panel E). The gray dash-dotted lines in Panels A and B represent the results for SFGs from Novak et al. (2017), while the gray regions represent the corresponding 1σ uncertainty. The gray dash-dotted lines in Panels C and D represent the results for radio-excess AGNs from Smolčić et al. (2017a), while the gray regions represent the corresponding 1σ uncertainty. The stars in Panels B and D represent the local values obtained by Novak et al. (2017) and Mauch & Sadler (2007), respectively. The magenta star in Panel E represents the local LD obtained by the cross point between the local SFGs RLF from Novak et al. (2017) and the local AGN RLF from Mauch & Sadler (2007). The best-fit values for αL, αD, L⋆, Φ⋆, and LD are summarized in Table 1.
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