Fig. G.1.
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Estimates of p(LR | M⋆, z) as a function of M⋆ and LR based on our maximum-likelihood fitting results for QGs. The colored dashed lines in the top and bottom rows represent our best-fit model from the unbinned maximum-likelihood fitting (see Equation 28 and Table 2) through combining data in the three fields (GOODS-N and COSMOS/UltraVISTA) over the entire redshift range (0.1 < z < 4) evaluated at the center of each redshift bin. The binned data points are scaled with the probability estimated by the model (see Equation 28) using the Nobs/Nmdl method of Aird et al. (2012) (see details in Section 6.3.3). In the top panel, the different colors represent different M⋆ bins. In the bottom panel, the different colors indicate different LR bins.
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