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Fig. F.2.


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Probability density function p(LR | M,  z) of a SFG with a given stellar mass M hosting a radio-excess AGN as a function of 1.4 GHz luminosity LR (left column) and the corresponding best-fit parameters (right column). Left column: At each redshift bin (from top to bottom) the different colors represent different M bins. Each dashed line represents the best-fit power-law relation for p(LR | M,  z) as a function of LR in each M bin (defined by Equation 23). Right column: Best-fit slope d (upper panel at each redshift bin) and intercept c (bottom panel at each redshift bin) of the above power-law relation. The different colors represent different M bins (same as the left column). In the upper right panel of each redshift bin, the gray dashed line shows the mean of slopes over all the M bins ( d ¯ $ \bar{d} $), while the gray region represents d ¯ ± 0.1 $ \bar{d} \pm 0.1 $. In the bottom right panel of each redshift bin, the pink dashed line shows the mean of intercepts over all the M bins ( c ¯ $ \bar{c} $), while the pink region represents c ¯ ± 0.1 $ \bar{c} \pm 0.1 $. The region scale (±0.1) is just a reference value to show the difference between each data point with the mean value.

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