Open Access

Table A.1

lens_candidates table that presents the content of the table of all sources found in the fields of the QSOs analysed. For more information about the data model please refer to

Name Content
solution_id Solution Identifier
source_id Unique source identifier of the quasar analysed
name Name of the multiplet corresponding to the coordinates of the quasar analysed
flag Flag at the quasar level (see 3.4 for detailed description)
n_components Number of components found in the field of the quasar analysed
component_id Index of the component for this quasar field
n_obs_component Number of valid observations used for this component
component_flag flag of this component
ra_component Mean right ascension of the component
ra_std_component Standard deviation of the right ascension of the component
dec_component Mean declination of the component
dec_std_component Standard deviation of the declination of the component
g_flux_component Mean G flux of the component
g_flux_component_error Uncertainty of the mean flux value for this component
g_mag_component Mean onboard G magnitude of the component
g_mag_std_component Standard deviation of the onboard G magnitude of the component

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