Open Access

Table 3

Most promising 49 lens candidates out of the 381 selected in this work.

# Name Grade α δ Pert Omin${{\cal O}_{\min }}$ gof Wd S comb
1186594 DR3Gaia010120.807-494324.36 A+ 15.3367775 −49.7228775 0.739 1.062 1.194 0.000
1410355 DR3Gaia015426.227-440213.66 A+ 28.6086993 −44.0372670 0.844 −1.701 1.501 0.003
1209020 DR3Gaia015739.213-683707.60 A+ 29.4137683 −68.6187615 1.000 −1.220 2.797 0.178
482036 DR3Gaia020209.884-431922.09 A+ 30.5410743 −43.3235545 −0.477 0.540 0.000
400875 DR3Gaia020501.994-323348.59 A+ 31.2589438 −32.5640445 −1.904 0.189 0.000
506340 DR3Gaia044652.260-310219.85 A+ 71.7179854 −31.0383946 1.000 −0.963 2.369 0.003
748543 DR3Gaia050613.596-253047.45 A+ 76.5561851 −25.5134752 0.621 −0.623 0.955 0.000
1879078 DR3Gaia060216.151-433540.97 A+ 90.5670711 −43.5945222 0.866 5.328 3.712 0.004
50830 DR3Gaia105221.613-195238.39 A+ 163.0900708 −19.8771667 0.754 8.572 7.774 0.088
1572115 DR3Gaia121504.295-200556.84 A+ 183.7681509 −20.0992440 0.997 −0.912 4.616 0.153
48388 DR3Gaia151030.678-791857.87 A+ 227.6266420 −79.3157777 0.521 −3.740 1.952 0.000
1734022 DR3Gaia151723.117-241848.13 A+ 229.3462903 −24.3139543 0.796 −2.028 4.264 0.002
147896 DR3Gaia170842.333+064614.31 A+ 257.1758007 6.7705216 0.679 −2.583 4.762 0.000
1654705 DR3Gaia172201.867+201920.75 A+ 260.5075498 20.3222709 0.740 0.391 −2.150(a) 5.784(a) 0.000
294425 DR3Gaia193647.137-320217.79 A+ 294.1957241 −32.0385626 0.833 −2.110 1.282 0.000
602038 DR3Gaia210752.320-161131.67 A+ 316.9684944 −16.1922981 0.880 0.782 1.747(b) 4.827(b) 0.003
1466139 DR3Gaia221540.110-520404.66 A+ 333.9167767 −52.0676474 0.998 0.143 0.877 0.176
700931 DR3Gaia230405.819-802805.72 A+ 346.0281735 −80.4686247 −0.419 1.415 0.000
141767 DR3Gaia014718.509-465709.04 A− 26.8266523 −46.9530303 0.799 −0.124 1.573 0.000
884711 DR3Gaia021120.383+210749.64 A− 32.8343751 21.1299320 0.090 0.634 0.474(c) 3.008(c) 0.000
559412 DR3Gaia031013.747+352414.86 A− 47.5561827 35.4045044 0.320 0.278 −2.067(d) 4.703(d) 0.000
1002146 DR3Gaia033001.688-441335.60 A− 52.5063646 -44.2268054 0.675 1.658 1.575 0.000
9023 DR3Gaia045755.331+124238.67 A− 74.4805842 12.7104176 0.603 −2.458 1.522 0.000
1420154 DR3Gaia055409.442-234754.13 A− 88.5387470 −23.7982264 0.610 3.493 1.395 0.000
771791 DR3Gaia070020.352+132813.68 A− 105.0851179 13.4707837 0.458 −1.776 2.121 0.000
1113851 DR3Gaia092321.265-020554.21 A− 140.8399647 −2.0980878 −4.474 3.419 0.023
496839 DR3Gaia110527.117-391343.61 A− 166.3628841 −39.2284930 1.000 −2.382 1.397 0.122
287077 DR3Gaia111221.158-201111.55 A− 168.0885649 −20.1865341 0.600 −1.452 1.381 0.010
1204565 DR3Gaia114934.110-172651.95 A− 177.3923073 −17.4478355 0.709 1.989 4.780 0.036
1147299 DR3Gaia115352.588-252027.70 A− 178.4693002 −25.3410790 0.747 2.111 2.093 0.051
13466 DR3Gaia124708.184-092332.50 A− 191.7842239 −9.3921238 0.793 −0.925 6.682 0.057
399786 DR3Gaia125238.119-270906.98 A− 193.1589992 −27.1514771 0.503 1.112 1.845 0.000
1938680 DR3Gaia133741.153-132524.24 A− 204.4217226 −13.4235215 0.630 0.855 6.103 0.029
950559 DR3Gaia134839.786+002343.29 A− 207.1655325 0.3946152 −3.192 3.462 0.000
787035 DR3Gaia150826.916+670544.68 A− 227.1123665 67.0955375 0.469 −0.758 2.561 0.023
468388 DR3Gaia160508.549+024739.44 A− 241.2857807 2.7943234 0.779 −1.242 3.677 0.052
651231 DR3Gaia161135.764+515346.43 A− 242.8993897 51.8965852 0.766 0.509 12.918 0.019
726741 DR3Gaia173144.453+250232.26 A− 262.9352928 25.0424432 0.639 1.918 5.289 0.026
1741359 DR3Gaia175323.439+144702.74 A− 268.3482034 14.7845840 0.280 0.587 −2.918(e) 3.794(e) 0.000
675406 DR3Gaia180734.677+475943.60 A− 271.8948565 47.9953497 1.000 0.021
820377 DR3Gaia190007.256-624734.16 A− 285.0303752 −62.7924480 0.822 −0.214 22.185 0.001
1157981 DR3Gaia201951.245-062931.96 A− 304.9638007 −6.4925101 0.367 1.034 1.331 0.000
628816 DR3Gaia202042.974-265023.86 A− 305.1794142 −26.8399389 0.780 6.270 2.452 0.009
173950 DR3Gaia202627.737+161850.69 A− 306.6157010 16.3144130 0.595 −1.076 3.107 0.000
1381292 DR3Gaia202710.607+060438.30 A− 306.7943588 6.0773550 0.650 −0.260 2.325 0.033
937383 DR3Gaia204449.725-040357.87 A− 311.2067405 −4.0665789 0.441 −1.300 0.831 0.000
1401461 DR3Gaia220231.754-800425.40 A− 330.6355963 −80.0735089 0.696 0.181 0.633 0.000
1557618 DR3Gaia222638.124-521519.18 A− 336.6584846 −52.2557299 0.518 2.052 1.633 0.000
379838 DR3Gaia235506.238-455335.44 A− 358.7762969 −45.8929542 0.469 −1.552 3.957 0.001

Notes. Candidates with Pert are quad candidates, others are doublet candidates. The resampled spectra and Dark Energy Survey or Pan-STARRS1 images for this selection can be found in Appendix B. The candidate identifier (#) corresponds to the row identifier from Table 2. (a)Taken from components 1 and 2 of DR3Gaia172201.867+201920.75 (#1654702). (b)Taken from components 1 and 2 of DR3Gaia210752.320-161131.67 (#602035). (c)Taken from components 1 and 2 of DR3Gaia021120.383+210749.64 (#884708). (d)Taken from components 1 and 3 of DR3Gaia031013.747+352414.86 (#559410). (e)Taken from components 2 and 3 of DR3Gaia175323.439+144702.74 (#1741358). The full table is available at the CDS.

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