Open Access

Table 2

Extract of the table containing 1957559 combinations of 2–6 components out of the 501 385 multiplets including the scores calculated in this work.

# Name Comp. α δ Pert Omin${{\cal O}_{\min }}$ gof Wd S comb
1 DR3Gaia052025.426+331443.46 1/2 80.1057322 33.2448383 0.615 −2.770 2.448 0.000
2 DR3Gaia084114.124+223614.72 1/2 130.3082652 22.6042005 0.521 −3.070 3.035 0.000
3 DR3Gaia102800.048+803922.91 1/2 157.0020369 80.6567414 0.628 0.577 4.126 0.000
4 DR3Gaia235819.841+482027.63 1/2 359.5817555 48.3413855 0.597 5.803 0.000
5 DR3Gaia192635.516+405005.98 1/2 291.6473954 40.8348653 0.642 1.247 4.707 0.000
6 DR3Gaia062751.407-253223.83 1/2 96.9646288 −25.5393739 0.374 6.391 4.224 0.000
7 DR3Gaia062751.407-253223.83 1/3 96.9642328 −25.5398715 5.097 4.224 0.000
8 DR3Gaia062751.407-253223.83 2/3 96.9638001 −25.5404539 0.374 1.278 4.224 0.000
9 DR3Gaia062751.407-253223.83 1/2/3 96.9642205 −25.5398998 0.060 0.374 5.646 4.224 0.000
10 DR3Gaia191906.417-110304.27 1/2 289.7765560 −11.0504709 0.377 21.999 0.000
1957557 DR3Gaia190225.249-311341.45 2/3/4 285.6043694 −31.2287627 0.580 0.705 −3.967 2.688 0.000
1957558 DR3Gaia190225.249-311341.45 1/2/3/4 285.6046004 −31.2289471 0.000 0.705 5.939 131.139 0.000
1957559 DR3Gaia201938.091-142206.89 1/2 304.9092924 −14.3684893 0.759 3.843 1.984 0.000

Notes. All combinations of components from the multiplets are considered here to enable the detection of cases consisting of multiple images of a lens system, plus contaminants (e.g. deflecting galaxy or nearby star). Comp. are the component_id’s (from Table A.1) of the components in each combination. The full table is available at the CDS.

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