Open Access

Table 3.

KS statistic and correspondent p-values obtained from comparisons between different distributions shown in Fig. 5.

Model 1 Model 2 KS stat. p-value
SMBHB_set Diagonal 0.1707 0.5945
Noise fixed
createGWB_set Diagonal 0.0732 0.9999
Noise fixed
SMBHB_set Diagonal 0.3590 0.0125
Full analysis
createGWB_set Diagonal 0.1538 0.7523
Full analysis
SMBHB_set createGWB_set 0.1463 0.7789
Noise fixed Noise fixed
SMBHB_set createGWB_set 0.2821 0.0897
Full analysis Full analysis

Notes. With diagonal we refer to the theoretical prediction for unbiased recoveries, which corresponds to the diagonal of the plot. The other distributions analysed are the dashed and solid lines of that P–P plot. The p-value in the second raw is almost perfect (0.9999); this confirms the good fit between the AGWB recovery for the createGWB_set when the other noise parameters are fixed.

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