Open Access

Table 1.

Values for the distance, timing, and noise parameters of the 25 best EPTA pulsars.

Pulsar d [kpc] cadence [days] σToA [μs] Noise model log10ARN γRN log10ADM γDM
J0030+0451 1.1 1.1240 4.7321 RN –16.2802 0.3401
J0613–0200 1.2 2.1498 2.3190 DM –12.1099 2.2955
J0751+1807 0.9 1.5237 2.5138 DM –11.5769 2.1921
J0900–3144 1.3 0.6809 4.6006 RN+DM –12.7817 0.9483 –11.8937 4.5107
J1012+5307 2.1 0.8983 3.1012 RN+DM –12.9283 1.4274 –12.6575 3.9428
J1022+1001 0.3 2.0854 3.3792 RN+DM –17.3298 6.2477 –11.4570 0.2273
J1024–0719 0.2 1.7813 4.5679 DM –11.9266 2.6198
J1455–3330 1.1 1.5463 11.6450 RN –13.1206 1.4706
J1600–3053 0.7 1.4481 0.8195 DM –12.8008 5.7666
J1640+2224 0.9 2.4334 5.7051 DM –11.4996 0.3000
J1713+0747 0.8 0.9403 0.9645 RN+DM –15.0142 3.0124 –12.1243 1.6056
J1730–2304 1.3 3.2348 3.4269 DM –11.6328 1.5792
J1738+0333 1.5 5.0228 6.7555 DM –11.2123 1.5681
J1744–1134 2.2 2.4413 1.9787 DM –11.7996 0.7458
J1751–2857 1.5 12.3347 8.4155 DM –11.0296 1.0261
J1801–1417 0.6 9.7971 6.0490 DM –11.0496 2.2886
J1804–2717 1.1 5.8057 8.6381 DM –11.2871 0.0786
J1843–1113 1.3 5.1115 2.3503 DM –11.0364 2.3694
J1857+0943 0.6 3.2544 2.6596 DM –12.4013 4.6670
J1909–3744 1.3 1.6435 0.5931 RN+DM –16.8142 1.8981 –11.9277 1.6375
J1910+1256 2.3 8.1784 4.1336 DM –11.9094 3.4703
J1911+1347 1.8 4.6388 2.0747 DM –12.1507 3.1562
J1918–0642 1.0 3.3059 2.8809 DM –12.3077 4.1191
J2124–3358 0.5 2.3498 6.6360 DM –11.4152 0.6247
J2322+2057 0.6 5.5817 13.8094 RN –15.1459 0.4594

Notes. The final four columns list the maximum likelihood values obtained from the data set DR2new, using customised noise models when a common red noise is also included in the recovery model (Antoniadis et al. 2023a). Thus, the missing RN and DM parameters refer to the fact that, according to the customised noise model, there is no relevant evidence for the given process in the EPTA DR2new data set.

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