Open Access

Table 1.

Summary of the observing times of the VHE and X-ray instruments during the two long exposures in July 2020 and August 2021.

Epoch label Instrument Start and end time [UTC] Exposure [ks]
MAGIC 2020-07-22T23:36:43–2020-07-23T04:49:13 17
Deep exposure 1 XMM-Newton 2020-07-22T21:59:37–2020-07-23T06:01:17 19 (pn), 27 (MOS1/2)
NuSTAR 2020-07-22T19:26:10–2020-07-23T07:11:10 21

MAGIC 2021-08-05T23:32:52–2021-08-06T04:25:19 16
Deep exposure 2 XMM-Newton 2021-08-05T19:50:32–2021-08-06T04:25:32 19 (pn), 27 (MOS1/2)
AstroSat-SXT 2021-08-05T15:09:14–2021-08-07T01:21:42 41

Notes. Regarding XMM-Newton, the exposures are quoted separately for the EPIC pn and MOS1/MOS2 cameras.

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