Press Release
Open Access

Table 8

eRASS1 by (rough) numbers.

Component # of photons [106] [0.2–2.0 keV] Fraction
CXB 54 0.32
MW hot CGM 33 0.19
FWC 32 0.19
LHB 17 0.10
SWCX 14 0.08
PS 16 0.09
Ext. 4(1.6) 0.02 (0.01)

Total 170 1.0

Notes. We list simplified estimates of the approximate number of calibrated photon counts (in millions) registered by eROSITA in eRASS1 in the 0.2–2.0 keV band in one hemisphere, split into separate physical components: Cosmic X-ray Background (CXB), Milky Way hot Circum-Galactic Medium (MW hot CGM), Instrumental background (FWC), Local Hot Bubble (LHB), Solar Wind Change Exchange (SWCX), Point Sources (PS), Extended Sources (Ext.). For the latter component, we quote in parenthesis the number of net counts from confirmed clusters of galaxies (Bulbul et al. 2024). See text for more details.

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