Press Release
Open Access

Table 6

Number of sources flagged as potentially spurious.

Flag M PS M Ext. HPS H Ext.
SP_SNR 4381 2710 35 23
SP_BPS 1503 568 39 61
SP_SCL 2443 260 40 4
SP_LGA 465 413 20 2
SP_GC_CONS 4707 2143 34 155

Any SP Flag 13 485 6084 165 243

NO_RADEC_ERR 2606 1173 15 20
NO_EXT_ERR 8469 744 0 19
NO_CTS_ERR 2532 746 9 0

Notes. ‘PS’ stands for Point Sources, ‘Ext.’ for extent-selected, and we separate the Main (‘M’) and the Hard (‘H’) catalogues. The ‘Any SP Flag’ row indicates the number of sources that are flagged by any of the five identifiers of potential spurious sources in overdense regions, SP_SNR, SP_BPS, SP_SCL, SP_LGA, and SP_GC_CONS. The last three lines give the number of sources for which statistical error estimate from the pipeline failed (see Sect. 4.6 for more details).

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