Press Release
Open Access

Table 4

Basic eRASS1 catalogue properties.

1B detection [0.2–2.3 keV]

Catalogue DET_LIKE_0 EXT_LIKE # of sources
All ⩾0 1277477
Main, PS ⩾6 =0 903521
Main, Ext. ⩾5 >0 26682
Supplementary <6 =0 347274

3B detection [2.3–5 keV only]

Catalogue DET_LIKE_3 EXT_LIKE # of sources

Hard ⩾12 ⩾0 5466
Hard, PS ⩾12 =0 5087
Hard, Ext. ⩾12 >0 379

Notes. ‘PS’ indicates point sources (i.e. those with EXT_LIKE = 0), and ‘Ext.’ indicates extent-selected sources with EXT_LIKE > 0. We note here that there is a slight difference in EXT_LIKE parameter in the 1B and 3B detections, as for the latter all photons in the 0.2–5 keV band are used to evaluate the source extent.

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