Table 2
Timeline of extended diagnostic and engineering exposures during eRASS1.
Date | Time [UTC] | Description |
30.01.2020 | 13:40–18:15 | Filter wheel closed |
18:15–18:30 | Raw frames | |
18:30–19:18 | Filter wheel closed | |
19:18–19:33 | Raw frames | |
19:33–22:30 | Filter wheel closed | |
01.04.2020 | 13:40–18:15 | Filter wheel closed |
18:15–18:30 | Raw frames | |
18:30–19:18 | Filter wheel closed | |
19:18–19:33 | Raw frames | |
19:33–23:08 | Filter wheel closed |
Notes. “Raw Frames” are read-out cycles where each pixel is transmitted (by-passing the event processor), 10 such frames were commanded for each TM consecutively (due to the large amount of telemetry there is some time gap in between). After the seven TMs a second round of “raw frames” was commanded, giving in total 10 × 7 × 2 = 140 such frames per epoch.
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