Press Release
Open Access

Table E.2

EDR/DR1 calibration version changes

calibration versions Comments
component 001 (EDR) 010 (DR1) 020
gyro_boresight_191208v0<x> 10 10 boresight correction
gyro_boresight_200611v0<x> 11 boresight correction
tm<x>_badcamt_190701v0<x> -/-/1/-/-/1/- 2/3/3/8/4/6/3 2/3/3/8/4/6/3 for TM1/2/3/4/5/6/7
tm2_badpix_<date><version> 210117v01 210117v01 new bad pixels which appeared during flight
tm3_badpix_<date><version> 201127v01 201127v01 — „ —
tm4_badpix_<date><version> 210223v10 210223v10 new bad pixels due to micrometeoroid impact
tm4_badpix_<date><version> 210616v02 210616v02 — „ —
tm4_badpix_<date><version> 210805v03 210805v03 — „ —
tm5_badpix_<date><version> 210310v13 210310v13 — „ —
tm5_badpix_<date><version> 210616v02 210616v02 — „ —
tm6_badpix_<date><version> 191023v01 191023v01 new bad pixels which appeared during flight
tm7_badpix_<date><version> 210129v05 210129v05 new bad pixels due to micrometeoroid impact
tm7_badpix_<date><version> 210207v02 210207v02 — „ —
tm7_badpix_<date><version> 210210v02 210210v02 — „ —
tm7_badpix_<date><version> 210211v08 210211v08 — „ —
tm7_badpix_<date><version> 210616v02 210616v02 — „ —
tm<x>_corr_algos_190701v0<x> -/-/-/-/2/-/2 -/-/-/-/2/-/2 for TM1/2/3/4/5/6/7
tm<x>_energy_190714v0<x> 3 6 6 for TM1/2/3/4/5/6/7
tm<x>_timeoff_190701v0<x> 1/1/1/1/1/1/1 1/2/2/2/2/2/2 1/2/2/2/2/2/2 for TM1/2/3/4/5/6/7

Notes. Listed are the versions numbers which are used in the respective processings. That does not necessarily mean, that they are used for eRASS1 processing, because their application is only necessary at a later date. Different versions are separated by “/”. In case a calibration file does not exist for a TM it is marked by “-”

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