Table E.1
EDR/DR1 eSASS task version changes
pipeline | eSASS task | task versions | Important functional improvements | ||
chain | 001 (EDR) | 010 (DR1) | 020 | ||
TEL | evprep | 3.11-3.11.2 | 3.46.1-3.46.3 | 3.46.3-3.49 | 010: using high cadence science housekeeping; flagging of image artefacts; improved handling of CCD frames split across telemetry frames |
020: improved flagging of image artefacts | |||||
ftfindhotpix | 1.7 | 1.22 | 1.22.1 | 010: corrected flagging of neighbouring pixels; time filtering of bad pixels added | |
pattern | 2.10 | 4.3.1-4.3.3 | 4.3.5-4.3.7 | 010: improved treatment of secondary event threshold and of bad pixels; PAT_INF assigned to all events of a pattern; stronger TM-specific noise suppression of doubles & triples | |
020: further minor improvements of PAT_INF | |||||
energy | 2.10 | 3.2.1 | 3.2.2-3.2.5 | 010 CCD temperature and long-term degradation considered; keyword PAT_MIN_EV is evaluated; workaround for missing time values in housekeeping data | |
020: error in subpixel position computation fixed | |||||
attprep | 1.6- 1.8 | 1.10 | 1.10 | 010: quaternions renormalised to increase accuracy | |
DET | expmap | [1.33.1-1.33.3] | 2.11.3 | 2.11.3-2.13 | 010: improved accuracy of projection; corrected flagging of pixels next to bad pixels; powerlaw-weighted energy dependence of vignetting (index specified on command line) |
erbackmap | [1.17] | 1.26 | 1.26 | 010: number of kernel scales changed from 8 to 16 | |
ermldet | [1.35] | 1.56 | 1.56-1.58 | 010: upper and lower errors of source parameters added | |
020: increased maximum number of fit iterations and minimum step width | |||||
SOU | srctool | [1 61-1 63] | 1.81/[1.76.1] | 1.81-1.85 | 010: computation of BACKRATIO improved; asymmetric errors and additional columns added to light-curve tables; |
Notes. Only tasks with functional improvements are listed. Task versions for pipeline configuration 020 are as of 2023-01-15. The EDR dataset only provided calibrated event lists; task versions available in the EDR user eSASS package are listed in square brackets. Task srctool has different but functionally equivalent version numbers in the DR1 pipeline and in the corresponding DR1 user eSASS (user eSASS version marked in square brackets).
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