Press Release
Open Access

Table D.1

eRASS1 catalogs column desciption. All errors are provided as 68% confidence intervals (1 − σ).

Column Units Description
IAUNAME String containing the official IAU name of the source
DETUID String unique detection ID
ID_SRC Source ID in each sky tile. Use SKYTILE+ID_SRC to identify the corresponding source products
UID Integer unique detection ID. It equals CatID×1011 +SKYTILE×105+ID_SRC, where CatID is 1 for the 1B detected Main and Supp catalogs and 2 for the 3B detected Hard catalog.
UID_Hard Hard catalog UID of the source with a strong association, or -UID if the association is weak. 0 means no counterpart found in the Hard catalog. Only in the 1B Main and Supp catalogs
UID_1B Main or Supp catalog UID of the source with a strong association, or -UID if the association is weak. 0 means no counterpart found in the 1B catalogs. Only in the Hard catalog
ID_CLUSTER Group ID of simultaneously fitted sources

RA deg Right ascension (ICRS), corrected
DEC deg Declination (ICRS), corrected
RA_RAW deg Right ascension (ICRS), uncorrected
DEC_RAW deg Declination (ICRS), uncorrected
RA_LOWERR arcsec 1-σ lower error of RA
RA_UPERR arcsec 1-σ upper error of RA
DEC_LOWERR arcsec 1-σ lower error of DEC
DEC_UPERR arcsec 1-σ upper error of DEC
RADEC_ERR arcsec Combined positional error, raw output from PSF fitting
POS_ERR arcsec 1-σ position uncertainty
LII deg Galactic longitude
BII deg Galactic latitude
ELON deg Ecliptic longitude
ELAT deg Ecliptic latitude
MJD Modified Julian Date of the observation of the source nearest to the optical axis of the telescope
MJD_MIN Modified Julian Date of the first observation of a source
MJD_MAX Modified Julian Date of the last observation of a source

EXT arcsec Source extent parameter
EXT_ERR arcsec 1-σ error of EXT
EXT_LOWERR arcsec 1-σ lower error of EXT
EXT_UPERR arcsec 1-σ upper error of EXT
EXT_LIKE Extent likelihood
DET_LIKE_n Detection likelihood. 1B: n=0; 3B: n=0,1,2,3
ML_CTS_n cts Source net counts. 1B: n=1,P[1-9]; 3B: n=0,1,2,3
ML_CTS_ERR_n cts 1-σ combined counts error. 1B: n=1,P[1-9]; 3B: n=0,1,2,3
ML_CTS_LOWERR_n cts 1-σ lower counts error. 1B: n=1,P[1-9]; 3B: n=1,2,3
ML_CTS_UPERR_n cts 1-σ upper counts error. 1B: n=1,P[1-9]; 3B: n=1,2,3
ML_RATE_n cts/s Source count rate. 1B: n=1,P[1-9]; 3B: n=0,1,2,3
ML_RATE_ERR_n cts/s 1-σ combined count rate error. 1B: n=1,P[1-9]; 3B: n=0,1,2,3
ML_RATE_LOWERR_n cts/s 1-σ lower count rate error. 1B: n=1,P[1-9]; 3B: n=1,2,3
ML_RATE_UPERR_n cts/s 1-σ upper count rate error. 1B: n=1,P[1-9]; 3B: n=1,2,3
ML_FLUX_n erg/cm2/s Source flux. 1B: n=1,P[1-9]; 3B: n=0,1,2,3
ML_FLUX_ERR_n erg/cm2/s 1-σ combined flux error. 1B: n=1,P[1-9]; 3B: n=0,1,2,3
ML_FLUX_LOWERR_n erg/cm2/s 1-σ lower flux error. 1B: n=1,P[1-9]; 3B: n=1,2,3
ML_FLUX_UPERR_n erg/cm2/s 1-σ upper flux error. 1B: n=1,P[1-9]; 3B: n=1,2,3
ML_EXP_n s Vignetted exposure time at the source position. 1B: n=1,P[1-9]; 3B: n=1,2,3
ML_BKG_n cts/arcmin2 Background at the source position. 1B: n=1,P[1-9]; 3B: n=0,1,2,3
ML_EEF_n Encloded energy fraction. 1B: n=1,P[1-9]; 3B: n=1,2,3
APE_CTS_n cts Total counts extracted within the aperture. 1B: n=1,P[1-9],S; 3B: n=1,2,3
APE_EXP_n s Exposure map value at the given position. 1B: n=1,P[1-9],S; 3B: n=1,2,3
APE_BKG_n cts Background counts extracted within the aperture, excluding nearby sources using the source map. 1B: n=1,P[1-9],S; 3B: n=1,2,3
APE_RADIUS_n pixels Extraction radius in pixels (4"). 1B: n=1,P[1-9]; 3B: n=1,2,3
APE_POIS_n Poisson probability that the extracted counts (APE_CTS) are a background fluctuation. 1B: n=1,P[1-9],S; 3B: n=1,2,3

FLAG_SP_SNR Source may lie within an overdense region near a supernova remnant
FLAG_SP_BPS Source may lie within an overdense region near a bright point source
FLAG_SP_SCL Source may lie within an overdense region near a stellar cluster
FLAG_SP_LGA Source may lie within an overdense region near a local large galaxy
FLAG_SP_GC_CONS Source may lie within an overdense region near a galaxy cluster
FLAG_NO_RADEC_ERR Source contained no RA_DEC_ERR in the pre-processed version of the catalogue
FLAG_NO_CTS_ERR Source contained no ML_CTS_0_ERR in the pre-processed version of the catalogue
FLAG_NO_EXT_ERR Source contained no EXT_ERR in the pre-processed version of the catalogue
FLAG_OPT Source matched within 15″ with a bright optical star, likely contaminated by optical loading

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