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Fig. 6.


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[O III] flux maps corresponding to high-velocity gas only, with velocities between −2000 < vout <  − 200 km s−1, −2000 < vout < − 400 km s−1, and 400 < vout < 1800 km s−1 depending on the source. The black solid line corresponds to the flux contour at 3σ and the red dashed line to the ellipse fit to it. The white cross indicates the [O III] emission peak, and the red cross corresponds to the most distant point from the white cross within the fit ellipse. The distance between the two crosses is the maximum outflow radius (Rout) reported in Table 4. The two orange lines are the flux contours at the 2σ and 4σ levels used to estimate the errors of the outflow radius and flux.

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