Fig. 5.
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Kinematic maps obtained from the nonparametric analysis of the [O III] emission line profiles of J1430. Top panels: integrated flux on the left, with the ∼1″ resolution 6 GHz VLA contours at 3,5,10,20, and 60σ from Jarvis et al. (2019) superimposed (white solid lines), and velp on the right, which traces the narrow component. Middle panels: vel05 (left) and vel95 (right), which trace blueshifted and redshifted outflowing gas. The same 6 GHz contours shown in the flux map are shown in cyan, and the ∼0.25″ resolution 6 GHz VLA contours at 3, 5, 15, 30, and 60σ from Jarvis et al. (2019) are shown in solid white. The black contours correspond to the brightness temperature ratio (T32/T21) from ALMA CO observations at 0.5″ resolution (Audibert et al. 2023). Bottom panels: W80 on the left, with the same contours as in the vel05 map, and the number of Gaussians fit in each spaxel on the right. White and black crosses indicate the AGN location, defined as the maximum of the [O III] emission. North is up and east to the left.
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