Fig. 3.
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Residuals obtained from the PSF-subtraction analysis performed across the MEGARA FOV. The left panels show the residual maps generated by subtracting the normalized model of the central spectrum, extracted in the five spaxels around the peak of the [O III] emission (black or white crosses), from the spectra of all the spaxels. North is up and east to the left. The black squares indicate the excess regions (≥3σ and in 0.6″ × 0.6″ apertures) from which we extract the corresponding spectra shown in the right panels. The dot-dashed and the dashed lines correspond to the [O III]λ4959 and 5007 Å centroids of the central model. For J1509, the grey band in the bottom right panel indicates bad pixels that were excluded when collapsing the spectral range shown on each panel to build the residual maps.
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