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Fig. 1.


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Orange and red histograms correspond to all QSO2s in the QSOFEED sample and to the five QSO2s studied here. From left to right and from top to bottom: luminosity distance, AGN luminosity, optical morphology (L=lenticular, E=elliptical, S=spiral, M=merger, I=interacting), integrated radio luminosity from FIRST 1.4 GHz data, W80, and vel05 of the [O III] line profile measured from SDSS optical spectra of the targets (Bessiere et al., in prep.). SDSS J134733.36+121724.3 was excluded from the W80 and vel05 histograms because of its extreme kinematics (W80 = 2500 km s−1 and vel05 = −2500 km s−1).

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