Open Access

Table 3

Detection performance of Fink-FAT between 2020-09-01 and 2020-10-01 by orbit dynamical classes.

Initial orbit distribution Reconstructed
Cybele 172 56 (32.56%)
Main belt 40 533 10 229(25.24%)
Phocaea 401 97 (24.19%)
Jupyter trojan 1041 198 (19.02%)
Hilda 186 33 (17.74%)
Mars crosser 455 46(10.11%)
Hungaria 700 63 (9.00%)
Amor 51 2 (3.92%)
Apollo 48 1 (2.08%)
KBO 8 0 (0.00%)
Aten 5 0 (0.00%)
Centaur 3 0 (0.00%)
Atira 0 0 (0.00%)

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