Open Access

Table 5.

Plasma parameters of the selected prominence and horn pixels in raster 5 and slit at 12:48:07 UT (slit 42 counting from 0) from non-LTE radiative transfer models.

Num Pix Ne τ(h) τ(k) Mean T Mean P FWHM h FWHM k τ (Hα) RMS
109 cm−3 K dyne cm−2 Å Å 10−3
A1 249 19.92 0.16 0.32 40 909 0.22 0.1135 0.1137 92.00 4602
A2 250 13.45 2.90 5.90 8000 0.05 0.1648 0.1847 35.00 14 240
A3 251 2.93 1.60 3.10 16 443 0.02 0.2308 0.2549 6.60 11 155
A4 252 2.02 1.20 2.40 21 777 0.01 0.2360 0.2551 2.30 19 024
A5 253 5.40 0.56 1.10 12 000 0.02 0.1459 0.1521 2.50 8939
A6 283 5.49 0.35 0.70 12 000 0.02 0.2209 0.2277 2.10 13 187
A7 284 6.69 1.00 2.00 8000 0.02 0.1453 0.1565 7.50 9590
A8 285 7.81 1.50 3.00 6000 0.02 0.1494 0.1638 16.00 18 075
A9 286 2.30 1.50 3.10 16 443 0.02 0.2296 0.2536 4.60 19 218
A10 287 13.51 1.90 3.70 8000 0.05 0.2354 0.2619 27.00 24 221
A11 308 13.22 0.93 1.80 27 269 0.10 0.1067 0.1132 35.00 20 564
A12 309 22.93 2.50 5.00 15 000 0.10 0.1139 0.1269 33.00 15 995

B1 326 13.94 22.00 44.00 6000 0.05 0.2172 0.2357 320.00 16 443
B2 327 14.73 2.70 5.40 6000 0.05 0.2482 0.2785 50.00 15 184
B3 328 14.73 2.70 5.40 6000 0.05 0.2482 0.2785 50.00 16 611
B4 329 2.10 1.10 2.30 24 801 0.02 0.2233 0.2433 3.90 15 619
B5 330 2.16 18.00 36.00 24 801 0.02 0.2141 0.2332 77.00 15 083
B6 331 5.95 2.40 4.80 10 000 0.02 0.2452 0.2745 19.00 15 390
B7 332 4.66 2.00 4.00 15 000 0.02 0.2416 0.2692 13.00 11 728
B8 333 23.31 210.00 420.00 6000 0.20 0.2802 0.3007 1800.00 24 531
B9 342 2.30 17.00 34.00 26 401 0.02 0.2145 0.2353 64.00 24 300
B10 343 6.28 2.20 4.50 10 000 0.02 0.2445 0.2731 17.00 18 346
B11 346 36.02 270.00 540.00 6000 0.50 0.2928 0.3153 1900.00 28 707
B12 347 23.84 92.00 180.00 6000 0.10 0.2593 0.2780 1400.00 29 146
B13 348 6.82 1.60 3.20 16 443 0.06 0.2323 0.2561 19.00 15 129
B14 356 11.33 1.30 2.60 21 777 0.08 0.2354 0.2547 37.00 38 344
B15 396 3.74 4.70 9.30 31 991 0.03 0.1276 0.1436 24.00 26 640
B16 397 6.15 5.10 10.00 19 027 0.03 0.1296 0.1461 20.00 19 463

Notes. Fits with an RMS higher than 15 000 are considered unsatisfactory. The selected pixels are visualized in Fig. 10. The columns labelled τ(h) and τ(k) give the optical thickness in Mg II h&k lines, respectively.

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