Fig. 3
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12C/13C–[Fe/H] plane for CEMP-no stars. The value for HE 0107–5240 is taken from Aguado et al. (2022). Only lower limits greater than 15 are shown since the smaller ones do not provide useful information. Errors in [Fe/H] are omitted for clarity. Red triangles are dwarfs with log ɡ > 3.5. Blue star-symbols are stars on the first ascent to the red giant branch, with 2 < log ɡ < 3.5. Orange squares are super-giants with log ɡ < 2. The 12C/13C = 30 value that splits stars with evidence of internal mixing from the others according to Spite et al. (2006) is also shown; the background above this value is yellow and below is peach coloured.
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