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Fig. 7.


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Radio luminosity L1.4 as a function of the IR luminosity LIR. Top: solid dots show the result using the default parameters of the model (with αCR = 3.0). The different colors are models with different stellar masses M, according to the color bar. The data in the background are local observations of Molnár et al. (2021). The lines show the results of different fits to the reference model (see Eq. (50)). The model predictions for different cosmic ray spectral indexes, αCR = 2.8 and αCR = 3.2, are shown for comparison. Bottom: model predictions for L1.4 and LIR for αCR = 3.0 at different redshifts as indicated but the marker size (smallest to biggest: z = 0 − 5). Different symbols indicate different treatments of absorption (circles: face-on observation, diamonds: edge-on observation).

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