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Fig. 9


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GLS periodogram of the different RV datasets for HD 192310. The Keplerian solution obtained with the YARARA V2 dataset was removed. Position of the two planets is indicated by the vertical blue lines. First row: DRS RV time series. Several ~50 cm s−1 contamination signals are detected. Second row: YV1 RV time series. Power excess around 800 days, due to the stitching, was strongly mitigated. Third row: YV2 RV time series. No strong residuals signal remains except a 45 cm s−1 1-yr signal already visible in the previous datasets. Fourth row: distribution of 100 independent white noise realisations with a similar dispersion as the YV2 dataset. The mean (solid line) and 1-sigma (16th and 84th percentiles as shaded area) are plotted. Fifth row: absorption curve obtained by projecting sinusoidal curves on the vector basis. The solid line represents the mean absorption for the 18 phases tested, whereas the envelop show the 16th and 84th percentile.

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