Fig. 12
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Same as Fig. 9, but for HD 115617. The Keplerian solutions obtained with the YARARA V2 dataset was removed. The absence of power at 4, 38 and 120 days in all the datasets shows that the Keplerian solution used is a valid solution for all of them. Clear systematics at 365 days and 182 days are visible in the DRS time series (first row), mainly created by the stitching effect (Dumusque et al. 2015b). In YV1 RV time series (second row). Power excess around 33 days was strongly mitigated as well as the previous 1-yr and first harmonic systematics. Remaining 1-yr power is however still visible and is only fully corrected in the YV2 RV time series (third row) that exhibits a periodogram compatible with a white noise signal (fourth row). This 1-yr correction is explained by the strong ability of the basis to absorb 1-yr signal (up to 75% absorption), as visible in the absorption curve (fifth row).
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