Fig. 2.
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Cartesian heliocentric positions and velocities for ED-2 members. The grey symbols mark members that fall outside our narrow photometric selection (see Fig. 1). The red dots show the VMP cluster from Yuan et al. (2020). The lines show a small portion of the orbits of ED-2 members, integrated in a MWPOTENTIAL potential for 20 Myr. The blue arrow indicates the approximate direction in which the stars move. ED-2 form a tight sequence in the x − z and vx − y panels. We find that three objects of Yuan et al. (2020) are outliers in vx (outside the plot range) and vz, which are unlikely to belong to ED-2. In the three top left panels, the arrows indicate the mean projected velocity vector. The three top right panels show the original Dodd et al. (2023) membership (orange) and the expanded membership we adopted in this work (blue). We only show these two samples in the velocity sub-space because this was the sub-space we used to find new members of ED-2 (see Sect. 2).
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