Fig. 2.

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Measured spectral breaks and their relations to the corresponding measured physical scales. The points are separated into eight plots. The top row (a,b,c) corresponds to the density measurements. (a) shows the break when there are only two power laws, while (b) and (c) denote the results for three power laws for the first and second breaks, respectively. The middle row shows the breaks for the magnitude spectra, these are split according to their morphologies with (d) showing two power laws, (e) showing the first break when there are three power laws fit, and (f) showing the second break when there are three power laws. Although most magnetic field magnitude spectra have similar morphologies to the density spectra, this is not the case for all the spectra. The corresponding magnetic field spectral breaks are presented for completeness in panels (g) and (h), where the intervals have been split according to the density spectra’s morphology. The different colours indicate the different physical scales, and the black line denotes fscale = fbreak, χ2 values are calculated concerning this line.
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