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Fig. 13


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Distribution of the solar absolute emergent flux from 300 to 1000 nm. Upper panel: absolute emergent flux (thin grey line) computed using Balder based on the sunA09 model, at a resolution of λλ = 50, 000. The smoothed synthetic spectrum using a 5 nm wavelength bin is depicted as a red dashed line (equivalent to the red dashed line in the right panel). Lower left panel: Comparison of smoothed synthetic spectra with the smoothed solar flux of Kurucz (2005, black solid line). All results presented here were smoothed with a 5 nm wavelength bin in order to facilitate comparison between simulations and observations. Relative differences in smoothed absolute flux as a function of wavelength, evaluated through Fλ/Fλ,obs − 1 with Fλ,obs denoting the smoothed measured values, are shown in the bottom right panel for two solar models. Lower right panel: similar to the lower left panel, but the smoothed synthetic spectra are compared with the smoothed Solar Irradiance Reference Spectra of Woods et al. (2009, orange solid line). All fluxes presented here are absolute values at the solar surface.

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