Open Access

Table A.6.

Catalogue of known GGSLs processed by both the VGG and SC-VGG networks.

Cluster RA DEC Image VGG SC-VGG ref
A209 22.95776 -13.60326 A1 TP TP (1) secure
A209 22.96488 -13.63631 A2 TP TP (1) secure
A383 42.01136 -3.54803 B1 TN TN (1) no
M0329 52.42013 -2.22163 C1 TP TP (1) secure, z = 1.112
M1149 177.40389 22.42663 D1 TP FN (2) secure, z = 1.806
M1149 177.39314 22.41134 D2 TP qTP (2) secure
M0416 64.03408 -24.06675 E1 FN FN (3) secure, z = 3.222
M0416 64.02847 -24.08567 E2 qTP FN (1,5) secure, z = 2.218
M0416 64.01709 -24.08955 E3 TP TP (4) secure
M0416 64.03262 -24.06838 E4 TP TP (5) secure, z = 2.095
M0416 64.03250 -24.07849 E5 TP FN (5) secure, z = 2.542
M0416 64.02442 -24.08106 E6 TP TP (5) secure, z = 1.964
M1115 168.95626 1.49741 F1 TP TP (1) secure
R2248 342.15574 -44.54591 G1 qTP TP (1) secure, z = 0.9406
R2248 342.16336 -44.52972 G2 FN qTP (1) secure
R2248 342.18205 -44.54035 G3 TP TP (6) secure, z = 1.837
R2248 342.17554 -44.53558 G4 FN TP (6) uncertain
R1347 206.89603 -11.75360 H1 FN TP (1) uncertain
R2129 22.42878 0.10807 I1 TP TP (1) secure
M0429 67.40208 -2.87139 J1 TP TP (1) secure
M0429 67.38925 -2.87412 J2 TP FN (1) uncertain
M0744 116.21217 39.45987 K1 TP TP (1) secure
M1206 181.56667 -08.80478 L1 TP TP (7) secure, z = 3.752
M1206 181.55309 -08.79486 L2 TP TP (7) secure, z = 1.425
NTP 17 14

NFN 4 5

Notes. Based on GGSL probability computed by the two CNN models, systems are classified as: true positive (TP, Pr > 0.5), quasi-true Positive (qTP, 0.2 ≤ Pr < 0.5), FN (FN, Pr < 0.2). The last column refers to the classification as GGSL: ‘secure’ for bonafide galaxy-scale systems (with the source redshift when available), ‘uncertain’ for those that require verification and ‘no’ for non-GGSL systems. See Sect. 5 for details. The total numbers of TPs, qTPs, and FNs shown at the bottom of the table are computed by considering only the secure systems.

References. (1) Desprez et al. (2018); (2) Smith et al. (2005); (3) Vanzella et al. (2017); (4) Diego et al. (2015); (5) Bergamini et al. (2021a); (6) Caminha et al. (2016); (7) Bergamini et al. (2019).

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