Open Access

Table A.1

Simplified flags

Acronym Meaning Conditions for raising the flag
SNR No or inaccurate results due to low SNR This flag is raised if the S/N is lower than 50 and if the object has an incomplete set of parameters.

SRP Spectral reduction problem This flag is raised if there are no parameters or abundances

SDS Some discarded spectra This flag is raised if there are some parameters and abundances despite a reduced amount of usable data. For example, it is raised when spectral reduction problems affect some settings, preventing the entirety of the results from being obtained, but allowing some parameters and abundances to nevertheless be determined.

IPA Incomplete parameters This flag is typically raised when a key setup for a given parameter is missing, or when the node experienced an issue when converging to a consistent set of parameters, or, alternatively, when the parameters were out of the parameter grid of model atmospheres used by a specific node.

SSP Some suspicious parameters This flag is raised when some parameters, but not all, could be determined. This can occur when renormalisation failed, when the code did not converge to a consistent set of parameters, or, again, because the parameters fell out of the node’s grid. It also occurs when a parameter was derived outside the group of validated nodes for this parameter. It is also raised in cases of spectroscopic multiplicity with at least two visible components (SBn, n≥2).

NIA No individual abundance (except Fe) This flag is usually raised when there are too few available lines for abundance determinations (except Fe).

SSA Some suspicious abundances This flag can be raised for metallicity, e.g. when the Fe I and Fe II lines are discrepant, or for other elements. It is raised in cases of high v sini values or of SBn, n≥2, or when the node was uncertain about this abundance.

PSC Parameter space coverage This flag is typically raised when the parameters are not within the model atmosphere grid parameters of the node, or are on the node’s grid edge. Some abundances might then be missing.

SRV Suspicious or unreliable radial velocity This flag is raised in cases where the CCF was corrupted, or where the RV was discrepant between setups, or the object was identified as an SBn.

SRO Suspicious rotational velocity This flag is raised in cases where there is no rotational velocity determination, or an excessively high or revised rotational velocity. It is also raised in case of SBn, n≥2.

BIN Detected binary : SB1 or SBn≥ 2.

EML Emission line: any line, not only Ha

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