Open Access

Table 3

Bootstrap procedure applied per setup (X) for calibration of radial velocities to HR10.

Setup N Setup X-Y N X-BS-HR10
X XxHR10 Y Offset STD XxY Offset STD
HR15N 3161 HR10 0.09 0.21 3161 0.09 0.21
HR21 48 133 HR10 0.59 0.46 48 133 0.59 0.46
HR9B 253 HR15N 0.08 1.30 558 0.17 1.32
U580 154 HR15N 0.21 0.53 695 0.30 0.57
U520 46 U580 −0.10 0.92 54 0.20 1.08
HR3 123 HR9B −0.13 2.75 334 0.04 3.11
HR4 116 HR9B −0.43 5.03 211 −0.26 5.20
HR5A 131 HR9B −0.10 3.98 151 0.07 2.57
HR5B* 1 HR10 0.15 0.22 1 0.15 0.22
HR6 118 HR9B 0.00 7.03 123 0.17 2.74
HR14A 145 HR9B 0.16 2.37 146 0.33 3.97
HR14B* 1 HR10 0.29 0.22 1 0.29 0.22
WG13Comb 506 HR10 0.24 3.94 507 0.24 3.94
* Only Sun in common

Notes. Here, we provide the offset, standard deviation, and number of stars in common for the bootstrap to the initial setup (Y), and for the overall bootstrap (BS) to HR10.

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