Fig. 6.
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Repeater-like bursts, envelope, and polarisation. Top: frequency versus time of arrival plot of a sequence of three bursts (grey scale) and an envelope. Bottom: PA envelope. The geometry is dipolar with an added toroidal component which intensity if 50% that of the poloidal component. The location is at the vertical of the magnetic pole of the dipole at altitude r = 100R*, as in Fig. 4. Other parameters are also identical to Fig. 4, in particular Ω ≃ 0.09 rad and β = 3, except the spin period which is P = 250 ms (see main text). The three bursts have identical photon rates , identical Gaussian width σi = 0.3 ms and Gaussian opening angle . Line styles for the envelope and PA curves are as in Fig. 4.
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