Fig. B.2.
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H0 and Ωm constraints from our models in flat ΛCDM cosmology, for the FIDUCIAL datasets with δvstat= 3.5% (left) and δvstat= 2.5% (right). The systematic uncertainty is δvsys = −2.0%, but assuming a Gaussian distribution for fv within the range [−0.06, 0.06] for both. We adopted uniform priors on H0 of [50, 120] km s−1 Mpc−1 and on Ωm of [0.05, 0.5]. The green shaded regions show the 1σ, 2σ, and 3σ confidence regions based on the constraint on DΔt only, i.e. P(DΔt) after marginalising over other mass model parameters, including Dd. The red shaded regions show the corresponding constraints based on P(Dd), after marginalising over DΔt. The grey histogram shows the constraints based on P(Dd, DΔt); we have omitted the 2D contours for ease of viewing. In principle, the different tilts in the H0-Ωm space, when marginalised over Dd or DΔt, can break some of the degeneracies. However, this requires highly accurate and precise measurements of the LOSVD. Errors of δvstat = 3.5% (left) are already insufficient to provide powerful constraints on, for example, Ωm on a single lens basis when accounting for the MST. The different statistical uncertainties on the velocity measurements, δvstat (between the left and right panels), primarily affect the constraints on DΔt and hence H0, as shown by the green contours and histograms.
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