Open Access

Table 1

Parameters for the solar wind and comet for the three simulation runs and for comet 67P as encountered by the Rosetta spacecraft at 3 au.

Parameter Symbol [unit] 67P Simulation

run A run B run C
Heliocentric distance R [au] 3.0
Scale factor 400 400 200
Nucleus radius rn [m] 2 × 103 5 5 10
Max radius Haser r1 [m] 850 850 1.08 × 103
Zero density radius r2 [m] 930 930 1.18 × 103
Water production rate Q [s−1] 8.75 × 1025 2.19 × 1023 2.19 × 1023 4.37 × 1023
Water ionisation rate νi [s−1 ] 3.68 × 10−8 3. 68 × 10−8 3.68 × 10−8 3. 68 × 10−8
Water speed u [km s−1] 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6
Ionisation excess energy Ek [eV] 15 15 15 15
SW number density n0 [cm−3 ] 0.78 0.78 0.78 0.78
SW electron temperature kB Te,0 [eV] 6.21 6.21 6.21 6.21
SW proton temperature 3.31 3.31 3.31 3.31
SW bulk speed u0 [km s−1 ] 430 430 430 430
B-field magnitude B0 [nT] 5 1.98 × 103 (0.8−2) × 103 990
Water ion density max. 300 88 88 88
Electron mass m/me 1 20 20 20
Proton to electron mass ratio mp/me 1836 91.8 91.8 91.8
H2O+ to proton mass ratio 17.9 17.9 17.9 17.9
Electron cyclotron freq. fce [Hz] 139 2.78 × 103 (1.1−2.8) × 103 1.39 × 103
Electron plasma freq. max. fpe [Hz] 1.6 × 105 1.9 × 104 1.9 × 104 1.9 × 104
H2O+ plasma freq. max. fpi [Hz] 855 460 460 460
H2O+ cyclotron freq. fci [Hz] 4.23 × 10−3 1.69 0.68−1.7 0.85
Simulation cube side Nx 240 240 304
Grid cell size x [m] 8 8 8
Time step t [s] 3 × 10−6 3 × 10−6 3 × 10−6

Notes. The Rosetta values are estimates based on the literature (Edberg et al. 2015; Hansen et al. 2016; Goetz et al. 2017), and the simulation parameters correspond to the initial state.

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