Fig. 1
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Water-ion densities and velocities in runs A and C, illustrating the influence of the scaling factor. (a) Water-ion density, nwi, as a function of r in run A for different radial directions, following the axes of the coordinate system as indicated in the legend. (b) nwi for run C. (c) The radial-velocity component υr,wi for run A. (d) υrwi for run C. The legend in panel a also applies to panels a to d. (e) Velocity components in the x−z plane for run A. (f) Velocity components in the x−z plane for run C. (g) Velocity components in the x−y plane for run A. (h) Velocity components in the x−y plane for run C. The axis limits for r, x, y, and z are different for the different scalings. The dotted lines in panels c and d indicate .
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