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Fig. 6.


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Inferred HOD (solid) split into central (dashes) and satellite (dots) for the four- and five-parameter HOD fits (orange and black). The four-parameter best-fit model is within the 1σ uncertainty of the five-parameter best-fit model. Due to the degeneracy between Mmin and σlog10M, the four-parameter fit HOD with σlog10M = 1 is skewed toward lower masses compared to the five-parameter fit. The direct predictions from the Leauthaud et al. (2015), Georgakakis et al. (2019), and Comparat et al. (2019) mock catalogs are shown in the right panel. They are within the fitted contours obtained. The mocks from Leauthaud et al. (2015) and Georgakakis et al. (2019) have a lower σlog10M value (sharper transition) and are thus more in line with the four-parameter fit. The mock from Comparat et al. (2019) has a higher σlog10M value and is comparable to the five-parameter fit.

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