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Fig. 2.


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Astronomical samples used in this work. As in Fig. 1, these are plotted in an Aitoff projection of Galactic coordinates. Light (dark) green circles are used for sources at small (large) distances following the legend. The panels show the following samples: nearby AGN from the Swift-BAT 105 month X-ray catalog (Swift; Oh et al. 2018), Van Velzen radiogalaxy sample (VanVelzen; van Velzen et al. 2012), sample of nearby galaxies (nearby gals; Karachentsev et al. 2013), sample of spectroscopically identified nearby AGN (Zaw AGN; Zaw et al. 2019), sample of high energy muon neutrinos detected by IceCube (IceCube; Plavin et al. 2020), sample of nearby supermassive black holes (SMBH; Caramete & Biermann 2014), galaxy clusters from the Swift-BAT 105 month X-ray catalog (GalCluster; Oh et al. 2018) at D < 75 Mpc, and nearby dwarf galaxies (nearby dwarfs; Karachentsev et al. 2013).

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