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Fig. 13.


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Same as the top left and bottom right panel of Fig. 7, i.e. out of galaxy arrival directions of H and Fe composition UHECRs in the BS-S GMF, but here the strengths of the dipole field (μg) and disk field (B0) components have both been increased by 50%; see Eqs. (3) and (6) of Takami & Sato (2008). This change in GMF normalization is not physical, and is done only to illustrate a potential systematic uncertainty in our analysis. Here only 20 MC simulations were performed for each UHECR. In both panels galaxies in the VanVelzen RG catalog at distances D < 75 Mpc (75 < D < 150 Mpc) are shown in orange (red) dots; the overall extent of the radio lobes of Cen A are outlined in red.

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