Open Access

Table 3

Velocity and location at peak brightness and the estimated impact energy of 20222 EB5.

Parameter Value Unit
UTC time 2022-03-11 21:22:46
ϕ 70.0 °
θ −9.1 °
h 33.3 km
V 17.24 km s−1
Vx −11.5 km s−1
Vy −5.3 km s−1
Vz −11.7 km s−1
Total radiation 1.851e10 J
Total energy 4 Kt TNT

Notes. The symbols Vx, Vy, and Vz respectively manifest the component in the direction of x, y, and z of the velocity vector in the ECEF system. Also, V represents the norm of the velocity vector. The latitude, longitude, and altitude are denoted, respectively, as ϕ, θ, and h.

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