Open Access

Table 13

The calculated heliocentric orbital elements of 2022 EB5.

Group a (au) e i(°) ω(°) Ω0(°)
JPL 2.8296 0.69 10.4219 222.42 350.9919144
ESA 2.82147 0.68537 10.4117 222.4076 350.9973
Comet 2.6113 0.6568 10.1294 221.1549 350.9738
Ryugu/Bennu 2.5143 0.6432 9.9675 221.2132 350.9743
C-type 2.4361 0.6314 9.8254 221.2663 350.9748
S-type 2.3764 0.6218 9.7094 221.3110 350.9752
M-type 2.3270 0.6136 9.6076 221.3512 350.9755
No-air 2.2445 0.5989 9.4254 221.4257 350.9762

Notes. The C-type group represents the group where the density of 2022 EB5 is taken to be 2000 kg m−3. And the no-air group refers to the solution obtained from the peak brightness without considering the effects of the atmosphere.

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