Fig. E.1
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Velocity integrated SO2(111,11 – 100,10) together with sample spectra of SO2, SO, and H2CO at positions a to d. Left and right: Beam averaged spectra at positions a to d. Each color represents the spectrum of a molecule: blue corresponds to H2CO, green to SO and red to SO2. The dotted vertical line marks the central velocity of the protostar VLSR = 7.5 km s−1. The dashed horizontal line represents the 0 K level. If a molecule does not appear at a panel, its because emission from that molecule has a S/N < 5. Middle: Velocity integrated image of the SO2(111,11 – 100,10) molecular transition. The crosses represent the places where each spectrum was extracted, labeled from a to d. The white contours represent the three and five times the rms of the integrated map contours of H2CO (0.25 K km s−1). The white ellipse in the bottom left corner represents the beam size. The blue star marks the position of Per-emb-50.
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