Open Access

Table 13.

Overview of the characteristics of the extracted substructures.

Name Signif. N clusters N members μ0 [10−3] μ1 [10−3] μ2 [10−3]
Helmi 9.352 2 143 (159) −248.543 −14.405 272.765
64 4.180 1 67 (67) 101.313 −655.568 −639.765
Sequoia 9.285 1 135 (135) −169.435 −283.902 −361.180
62 5.371 1 42 (42) −93.511 −782.321 −407.653
Thamnos 1 3.631 1 78 (79) −622.767 −788.847 −281.345
Thamnos 2 3.624 2 120 (142) −688.164 −782.274 −211.327
GE 22.415 37 2336 (5641) −366.742 −775.033 −34.410
6 3.011 1 122 (81) −546.248 −808.798 −46.820
3 6.342 1 3032 (3032) −759.619 −851.365 23.803
A 18.991 10 644 (845) −356.137 −829.539 293.317
12 4.904 1 186 (185) −500.482 −829.231 211.165
38 3.108 1 69 (69) −398.545 −622.414 270.931

σ00 [10−6] σ01 [10−6] σ02 [10−6] σ11 [10−6] σ12 [10−6] σ22 [10−6]

3780.679 5975.700 51.481 12207.147 −99.729 1117.498
3960.303 −4909.646 −2269.784 19788.368 2881.083 2926.456
7398.933 −4951.037 −2777.662 17017.094 1157.163 3390.401
1251.076 −298.331 −680.632 4547.750 87.359 800.745
503.237 13.463 −152.413 601.277 6.550 287.669
284.073 −362.520 −202.819 1008.998 280.335 519.652
12986.602 1843.637 2415.136 20865.956 1564.144 2472.506
433.190 −252.161 101.998 484.482 −133.527 311.283
1323.989 255.892 23.201 3916.625 210.584 369.282
3344.491 202.796 1669.993 4519.979 148.764 1285.919
663.590 −266.063 233.675 1217.119 −29.274 247.443
859.330 −158.430 421.375 432.881 −135.120 586.415

Notes. The column ‘N clusters’ lists how many clusters have been joined to form the substructure. The ‘N members’ entry gives the total number of core members in all participating clusters (according to a Mahalanobis distance cut of 2.13 to each of these clusters), and within parentheses the total number of stars in the data set that are assigned to the substructure after a second Mahalanobis distance cut of 2.13 to the structure. μ is the centroid of the structures defined from the original cluster members, where indices 0 to 2 reflect E, L, and Lz in the scaled IoM space (see Paper I). Each σij represents the corresponding entries in the covariance matrix. Equations (3) and (4) can be used to transform the means and the elements of the covariance matrix to physical units, respectively.

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